Pharma | Biotech | Medical Devices

Working in the Life Science industry can preoccupy you with aiding others in their fight for a healthy life, that it’s easy to over look your own health. We often see managers getting caught up in long working hours as they race to meet deadlines; now research has been conducted proving overtime doesn’t contribute to meeting your deadline and can even be detrimental to your health. Before piling on extra hours, we suggest you consider the risks first.

In Switzerland an average workweek is 42 hours and we advise you stick to this! Putting in more than 10 hours a day will increase your risk of heart attack by 60%, not to mention problems within your personal relationships and will increase your risk for substance abuse as well as weight gain and depression.

In Life Science industries, working 60 hours will decrease your productivity by 25%, but all productive work decreases after 50 hours of work a week. Working overtime is simply not worth it.

The main issues with working over time are linked to stress. Stress is proven to increase cortisol which will in return, interfere with sleeping and eating patterns as well as affect your blood pressure, immune system, memory and more. If you’re consistently struggling to meet deadlines and complete your work within the 42 hours, it is time to make a change.

Brining on interim hires is a quick and easy solution to distributing the workload evenly amongst your team. Their ability to join and integrate quickly at any time, allows you to bring them on in the most crucial times. A few years ago, we witnessed our EMP Samantha (name has been changed) enter a team where 2 of the 5 members had to leave due to burn out, leaving the team in dire constraints. Samantha immediately helped the team to reach their deadline without compromising the end result. We think Samantha is a solid example of how qualified interim hires can be brought on during the toughest times to help avoid the negative side affects of overtime.

Taking all these health risks into consideration, MTS makes it our goal to find you the Top Interim Talent to aid you in the toughest of workplace situations. We know that work is in high demand and sometimes there just doesn’t seem to be enough hours in the day. Download our MTS Talent Guide: How to Hire Contractors and Interim Managers in the Life Science Industry This free guide will help you determine if an interim solution is right for you and will ensure you make the right hiring decision, saving you time, stress and your overall health and well-being.

What every Life Science Director needs to know about hiring Interims in the Pharma, Biotech and Medical Device industry

Kelly Brändli, Founder and Managing Director of MTS Talent services has over 15 years of experience in the life sciences industry. Since 2010, she has grown MTS Talent into Switzerland’s leading Life Science interim staffing provider, supplying high-caliber Marketing & Medical Affairs Talent on an interim and contract basis.

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